1 |  | Buraydah Storm water western Ring Road | Storm water western Ring Road project , 51.16 KM of pipeline & Box Culvert , Diameters of 800-2500mm in the neighborhood of Buraydah | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
2 |  | Makkah Potable Water transmission Line 18 G | Support & renewing of 24 km of potable water network with various diameters, 1400 mm, 2000mm. The project includes 800 Linear Meters of Micro Tunneling for the casing pipe diameter of 2500mm. | National Water Company |
3 |  | East Village Water Main Line Network - HOFUF | 59 KM of GRP water transmission pipelines of various diameters to cater water requirement to the east village of Hofuf. | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
4 |  | Nadeem and Janadriyah Rain and Storm Water | Execution of 96 KM pipeline and Box culvert with various diameters 400 -1200 mm for Flood and storm water drainage network in Nadeem and Janadriyah area. | Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs |
5 |  | Stage 131 | A project for the execution of separate networks and water lines in the Al-Aarid district of Riyadh (phase 131) with various pipe diameters. | National Water Company |
6 |  | Al Shifa Storm Network Project | Construction of 26 KM of storm water network Box Culvert in Al Shifa Area of Riyadh. | Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs |
7 |  | Targis Water Treatment Plant- (Alternative I) | The water treatment plant was constructed on Targis Dam to supply potable water to 200,000 residents of Al Namas city.Targis Water Treatment Plant project consists of civil works, tanks, reverse osmosis units (R.O), SCADA system and electro mechanical works. | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
8 |  | ARAR phase III Water Treatment Plant | Upgradation of Arar water treatment plant from the exiting capacity of 25000 m3 / day to 75,000 m3 / day in the northern border region, The project owner is Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture , The project includes the construction of a WTP with a total capacity of 75,000 M3 / day, including Civil works, buildings, etc. with a reverse osmosis system, raw water tank, purifier, sprinklers, filters, , evaporation pounds and installation of 50KM pipeline to collect water from the wells to the station and reservoirs for the purpose of supplying to Arar governorate and its centers. | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
9 |  | A13 A Sewage Main Line Micro tunneling | Relocation of 1350 linear meters of main sewage line in the north of Riyadh, The project was executed by NDRC method of construction using Micro tunneling machine with diameters of 1000mm. | National Water Company |
10 |  | Olaya H1A Sewage Main Line Micro Tunneling | 4700 linear meters main sewage line in the busiest Olaya area in Riyadh, The project was executed by NDRC method of construction using Micro tunneling machines with diameters of 1400mm and 1600mm. The project consisted of 420 linear meters of a single crossing by NDRC method. | National Water Company |
11 |  | Kingabdulaziz & Prince Abdulaziz Bin Jalawi Sewage Main Line | The project was executed by NDRC method of construction using Micro Tunneling machine for the diameters of 1600mm RCJ pipes with a length of 2600 Linear Meters. | Abdullah Al Sikhan Co. / National Water Company |
12 |  | Water Distribution Network & Reservoir | Construction of 40,000 m³ concrete ground water reservoir on Al Samara mountain and 8 KM of water distribution line to supply water in Hail City. | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
13 |  | Extension of water network & elevated tank in hail | Extension of 15 KM of water network & Elevated tank in Hail | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
14 |  | Hail Sewage Network Project with House Connections | Construction of 140 KM Sewage Network Project With House Connections. | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
15 |  | Hail Al Shamel-1 | Construction of 38 km water transmission line in Hail Al shamel-1, of various diameters. | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
16 |  | Rafha R.O WTP (phase 1) | Upgradation of Reversed Osmosis Water treatment plant (phase 1) with 36KM of transmission lines in Rafha | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
17 |  | Stage 129 | Execution of separate networks and water lines in Al-Narges area , Riyadh, stage 129. | National Water Company |
18 |  | Alhazam & Rafeia | Execution of the remaining sewage networks in parts of Al-Hazm and Al-Rafeia area in Riyadh. | National Water Company |
19 |  | Medina Sewage Treatment Plant | Operation & Maintenance of sewage treatment plant in Medina al Munawarah. | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
20 |  | Riyadh Al Khabara | Operation and Maintenance of water treatment plant Riyadh Al Khabara. | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |